Stackchain Heroes
Stackchain Heroes

Stackchain Heroes

Stackchain Heroes


The beginning

This great project began on a normal afternoon; I was talking with my brothers – we have always liked video games, playing them and creating our own has become a hobby in which we share together as a team to create something out of nothing that can be fun or even enriching for the people who try them.

My brothers and I have had the opportunity to participate in different Game Jams, contests where participants must create a video game on a specific topic in a limited time, organized by different entities such as the browser OperaGX, the GameJolt gaming community and the game engine for the development of independent video games GameMaker Studio.

Ever since we opened a Twitter account for our farm and began to have contact with the Bitcoin community, the idea of coding a video game based on the culture of bitcoiners has been on my mind, always calling.

The Bitcoin community would show their great solidarity and support when they helped us raise the funds to buy our grandfather Carlos’s old barn, and it was at that moment that we made the decision: we are going to program a video game based on the Bitcoin community, its memes, their figures and their ways of acting in the face of challenges; all this work in tribute to our friends from the Stackchain team.

The story of Stackchain Heroes

A day like any other, the people of Ciudad Bitcoin are enjoying their daily activities, sharing and starting their own projects, when suddenly they begin to receive spam mail in their mailboxes, an army of robots has plagued the entire postal service of the city. Everyone is being pressured by emails full of scams and fake offers from a strange company known as Smile Corp.

Many people fall victim to these scams and have their sats stolen. It is at this moment of crisis that a group of brave heroes, armed with the best they could find along the way, venture into the corporate complex of this evil entity to reveal the mysteries and dark purpose behind it.

A great fight packed with action and tough decisions takes place inside these offices between friends of the Stackchain community and an army of machines looking to steal the sats of the entire Bitcoin City.

The development

This video game is being developed by my two brothers and me; we are a small but determined and disciplined team for this art that is developing video games. Each one has several important roles within the work of this great project to be able to perform it in the best way between programming, drawing, animating, composing, planning, designing the levels and even dedicating a whole day to writing and designing this article for the first edition of Stackchain Magazine.

We dedicate our day to work on the farm and in the afternoon when we finish guarding and milking the goats and sheep from our herd, we have dinner and get to work to continue developing this video game. Several of our work tools are GameMaker Studio 2, Aseprite, Microsoft Paint, Lovely Composer and FL Studio.

A videogame for the Bitcoin community

For some time now, the Bitcoin community and several of its internal groups such as the Stackchain Team have been able to transcend the barriers of being an internet niche in a social network to understand a whole trend across the globe. My brothers and I are tangible proof of this, young goat and sheep farmers living in the Andes region of Táchira, Venezuela. One day resulted in a chance meeting with one of our first friends, AlabhamaFren on Twitter, in the community and with that contact link our introduction to the world of Bitcoin and its culture.

Since then it has been a path of sharing and learning many new things about the economic dynamics of the world, the banking presence in our lives and how Bitcoin plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the freedom of all the people who constantly join this new means of communication. international exchange and contact without barriers or intermediaries.

As we become more integrated into the community, we see new talent emerge who use their artistic skills to continue expanding the influence of Bitcoin to new people who may be intrigued by this new world of monetary technology.

Cinema, music, animation, painting, comics and even video games are media that play a fundamental role in this work of first approximation for people who do not know Bitcoin but are intrigued to know more about it. Many people start new hobbies, dare to experience new events in their lives because they see characters in a movie or heard a song that motivated them to do so; the same can be achieved by means of expression such as plastic and digital arts in expanding the acceptance and adoption of Bitcoin as an everyday thing.

If the education about Bitcoin that various organizations undertaken by bitcoiners around the world seek to teach people, at the community level, who already have a first testimony about this fascinating new medium of the technological times in which we live, about its characteristics and advantages, art such as music, cinema or video games can be mass media that can bring Bitcoin and its great community to the attention of the global public and record it in the collective consciousness of all corners of the internet and the world.

It all starts with a small idea, which materializes and becomes a project that raises expectations and excitement in people, the Bitcoin community.  If it wants to transcend and reach new horizons where this medium has not penetrated yet, it will have to to do so through their artistic and communication talents, through the different media that they may be able to develop as a community, whether in the artistic media that we have already mentioned or also through information media such as audiobooks, interviews, reports, articles or podcasts.

This small but great video game, developed by just one family of farmers in Venezuela, is a testament to that and we hope this work pays off in helping to advance Bitcoin and its loving community to new levels never before achieved.

Pixelated characters, bloopers and sneak peeks

Next we will show you several of the concepts and art that we have prepared and implemented for the video game; there are many ideas that we want to implement to make this experience the most fun, frenetic and full of adrenaline that the Bitcoin community has ever known in a video game. which pays homage to its culture and its most famous participants.

We hope very soon to launch an Open Beta so that everyone within the community can try it out and post their thoughts on this fascinating work. It is a possibility that they can test this demo of our videogame Stackchain Heroes in the next few months if all goes well. Until then, thank you all so much for your great support, you can send us donations through our LNURL ( and see new developments on our @tachirahomestd twitter account.


Note from Stackchain Magazine: John Angel was not paid for this contribution to Stackchain Magazine. If you found it entertaining or educational in any way, please consider tipping him and the LNURL

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