Stacking Blessings.
Stacking Blessings.

Stacking Blessings.

Stacking Blessings.

I just want to say that I appreciate each and every single one of you. With all the talk of bull and bear markets I’ve come to understand it’s the pleb market that matters. The plebs that stack without regard to charts, FUD, or guidance. Together we constitute the pleb market. A market stronger than any the world has ever seen. A market that is honest and just. A market that one day will reshape the world into a better place. The sats that we tuck away in self custody are a blessing. Just like each every single one of you.

So for this holiday season I want to leave you with a Stackchainer blessing.

I hope tomorrow you have more Bitcoin than you have today. Plebs, I love you.

Have fun Stacking Sats,

Note from Stackchain Magazine: No Bitcoin (or inferior monies) were exchanged for this article. We legit just want all the best for you and yours. This short piece was written by Anthony. You can follow him on X @AnthonyDessauer or tip him

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