The Fork of 1492
By Loko
Stackchain to Bitcoiners is a lot like how Bitcoiners are to the normies. We are an “opt-in” club that anyone can join, but if you’re outside of what is going on, most of the arguments and jokes do not make sense to you. The Fork of 1492 is one of those moments. Some of the Stackchainers even claim it is their favorite of all the fork wars, but others are filled with rage from the events that occurred that play an effect on future fork war.
If you didn’t know by now (which I mean you literally have a Stackchain Magazine in your freaking hand), Stackchain is a long thread of continuous buys that started at $5 and went up in an n+1 fashion for well over a year now. Forks are caused in the chain when two people stack on a post because of one of many reasons: they misplaced their post, they wanted a block number, they didn’t like the previous stack, or someone simply just wanted to cause a fork. Well, the Fork of 1492 was one of those moments where @caroghero wanted the number 1492 as that was the year Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain and @caroghero had an attachment to that.
August 28th, 2022 late in the morning, Stackchain block height was already 1492 when @caroghero decided to fork the chain (& the Stackchain Legend, @sathoarder) and call #1492 his. I loved this move as it was his first stack ever on the chain and he “alpha’d” his way in with a fork, but the Pesky Tao thought otherwise. @__overflow_ asked, “Is this your first Stackchain Block?” @taodejing2 replied, “Looks like it is, but we don’t discriminate.” This filled me with rage as us Stackchainers always loved when new stackers stacked, so I sat back and watched how this played out for a little bit until it was my turn to maTIPulate. See, as a young boy, I didn’t have the $1500 or so to burn, so I only could really use manipulation tactics. It was time for me to set a precedent that would never be forgotten for all Stackchainers.

It was early afternoon and the morning coffee was starting to wear off and people were still fighting back and forth. At this time, @caroghero’s side of the chain was about three blocks ahead of the other fork and everything was looking good for him on the Chain. The problem was that @caroghero had never met the conspiring duo of Tao & Vee in the event of a fork. In the back channels on Twitter DM’s, Tao and Vee had a plan to catch the Sathoarder side of the chain back up with a stack from the meme legend, Chewy, followed by a stack from Vee & Tao. This happened faster than anyone could realize because there were SO MANY NOTIFICATIONS of people trying to figure out what was going on. People were fighting both sides and Bob, John, and many other legends were posting on @caroghero fork. BUT…through Tao’s manipulation tactics, he got the legend BamaHodl and others on his side to bring out some hash power and keep this race close. Every time @cargohero’s fork pulled ahead, Tao’s army got bigger.
Both chains at this time were around 1497, but the chain that didn’t include @carogheo was a tad ahead. All of the sudden, an anon came in and stacked Blocks 1498-1500. The greatest thing about this situation was that this stack/post was not stacked on either of the chains, rather it was posted as a reply to one of the comments on the chain, thus making it not part of any of the chains (as it did not follow the Stackchain consensus). This is where I came to play dirty. Because of where he posted it, it was clear he wanted to stack on Tao’s chain (that didn’t include @caroghero), but Tao was playing dirty toward the new stacker, so I wanted this massive stack on the other chain. Thankfully, I caught the anon’s post early and DM’d the anon and said, “The Stackchain Tip (which relates to the longest chain) is here. Just repost here and you should be good :). If you have any questions feel free to reach out!” Without hesitation or time to waste, he moved his stacks.
Excited about this massive stack, predominant stacker, @fiatforassets, stacked upon the false/invalid block before he erased his post and noticed almost immediately after he posted that the previous post was gone and thought to himself, “why did he just rug pull us?” This angered Tao; “He joined [our side] first,” he thought, “oh man this is way over,…but then I drove home and all the sudden it was on the other chain and was thinking, ‘What? How the hell did this even happen?’” Tao admitted later in the Stackchain spaces that he was beyond confused at this point and essentially gave up as the chain pulled up way past his. “It kept going for like an hour…I gave up, I am lost”…however, the dust settled, and it just continued in the direction of a failed, but valiant, effort from Tao’s army.
This may go down as the most fun battle of Stackchain just because of the amount of people involved. Yes, this just seems like a big nothing burger, but the fact that this all happened within like a 30 minute span just showed how crazy us Stackchainers are. Smash buying thousands of cuckbucks worth of Bitcoin just to get a Twitter thread to go our way. While some may think of us as crazy people, they will never shy away from the fact that these crazy people stacked the bottom of the 2022 Bear Market…just to have fun.

Note from Stackchain Magazine: No Bitcoin (or inferior monies) were exchanged for this article. This article was written by Loko, you can find him on X @LoKoBTC and I suggest you do he’s a fucking legend. Also you can tip him at lokoj2@ln.tips if you feel so inclined.
Evey fork and battle is such an awesome memory for me. Thanks for this walk down memory lane Loko. In the end we all won big time.